Voices and Chatter Episode 2 : Life Over Politics


Voices and Chatter Ep 2: Life Over Politics                                          (天声人语 第二集: 生命比政治重要)


WATCH NOW: Health Risks of Having A General Election Before Covid-19 is Over

WATCH NOW: Health Risks of Having A General Election Before Covid-19 is Over(Disclaimer: This video was shot and produced before 7 April 2020)Voices and Chatter Ep 2: Life Over Politics (天声人语 第二集: 生命比政治重要)https://youtu.be/OdJuVw92aDEIn this episode, Assistant Sec-Gen Mr. Leong Munwai shares about the health risk of having a general election before Covid-19 crisis is over. He highlighted that there are ~850,000 citizens who are 60yrs or older. We will be putting the elderly at risk if we go ahead with GE. We have 1 more year to hold the GE. Lives should be above politics. 在这段视频中,新加坡前进党助理秘书长梁文辉先生分亨了他对疫情期间举行大选的看法。他提出了一些数据,比如新加选民中,有85万人的年纪在六十岁以上。这些长者是新冠状病毒的高风险人群。我国还有一年的时间来举行大选,无需冒着没必要的风险。国人的生命比政治重要。#progresssingaporeparty #progresswithcompassion #family #singapore #covid19 #fightcovidSG #SGunited

Posted by Progress Singapore Party on Tuesday, 21 April 2020


In this episode, Assistant Sec-Gen Mr. Leong Munwai shares about the health risk of having a general election before Covid-19 crisis is over. He highlighted that there are ~850,000 citizens who are 60yrs or older. We will be putting the elderly at risk if we go ahead with GE.

We have 1 more year to hold the GE. Lives should be above politics.





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