This was a written Parliamentary Question sent to Parliament by Ms Hazel Poa on 4th April 2022 and its response
Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment whether glue traps for pests and rodents will be banned from use given the possibility of catching unintended targets after deployment.
{Similar Qn from NMP} :
Dr Shahira Abdullah asked the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment whether the Ministry will consider phasing out the practice of glue traps to catch pests and introducing nature-based bio-controls to tackle the problem.
Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien (Minister for Sustainability and the Environment): Pest control operators (PCOs) have various means to manage the population of pests, and would assess the situation to determine the most appropriate means to ensure effective and safe pest control.
When used responsibly and safely, glue traps are an effective tool for trapping and removing rodents. To minimise the risk of non-target animals being trapped by glue traps, the National Parks Board (NParks), in consultation with the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Singapore Pest Management Association (SPMA), had issued guidelines to PCOs on the responsible use of glue traps.
NParks, NEA and SPMA will review these guidelines from time to time.