到目前为止,我们知道当冠状疫情袭击我们时,我们缺少了口罩,食品供应源和测试能力。对国家安全如此重要的这些事情为什么没有应急计划? 鉴于冠状疫情在一年之内抢走了我们很大一部分的国民所得和国家储备,我们必须大大加强对未来流行病的防御。
1. 我们将在一定期限之前完成对所有外国工人的测试。阻挡措施的第二阶段舒缓将从该日期开始。
2. 我们将改善现有外劳的生活条件,并尽力以一个缓慢的进程完成已经启动的项目。但将来,我们将不得不适应比较缓慢的建筑活动,因为减少外劳的人数是必要的。 这将减慢经济发展速度,但对于我们来说这是不得已的选择。
3. 我们将建筑公司未来雇用外劳的资格与他们在自动化投资和生产力成绩挂钩
4. 我们将专注于帮助我们的公民应对生活中的混乱,并且直到我们在第二阶段连续一个月实现零社区感染之后,才考虑举行大选。
5. 我们敦促新加坡人继续实践在疫情期间习得的社交礼节和个人习惯。这也是充实自己的一种方式。比如在我们感觉不适时应该立即戴口罩。通过在公共场所,特别是小贩中心和购物中心等处排队有序地进行社会疏离。 学习要有耐心,给于他人时间和空间,这些都是同情和善良的成分。洗手,保持良好的个人卫生习惯,还通过在小贩中心交还托盘来帮助保持公共场所的清洁。
6. 我们将增加政府支出,通过将旧的组屋重新开发成新的社区生活绿洲,从而创造一个更清洁,更绿色的环境,使居民能够更好地相互支持。
7. 我们将改变为国民提供医疗的方式。新的重点将放在预防保健,社会医学和社区互助方面。
8. 我们将花更多的钱来加快数码化进程,并增加托儿中心的数量和质量,以使更多的新加坡人能够在家工作。我们希望对家庭友善的政策帮助实现良好的工作与生活平衡,这将对我们新的家庭形成和总生育率产生影响。
9. 我们将通过最好的老师在线提供最好的教学方法和材料来重组教育系统,使学生可以在自己的时间和地点学习。大多数老师将成为生活和品格导师,以确保学生受到适当的鼓励。
10. 最后但最重要的一点是,我们将建立抵抗未来战争和恐怖主义相同规模的全面防御体系,以应对未来的大流行。
More Concrete Ideas Please!
By Leong Mun Wai
Following PM Lee’s speech on 7 Jun, Lawrence Wong’s speech on the 9 Jun was another one that is far short of substance when the whole country is longing to hear some concrete ideas.
He raised the dilemma of life or livelihood again. However the measures that the government have taken so far have neither given enough consideration for lives nor prevented the big disruptions to our livelihoods.
By now, we know that when the Covid hit us, we were short of face masks, food supplies and also testing capacity. Where are all the contingency plans which are so important for national security planning? Given that Covid has lobbed off a significant portion of our GDP and reserves in one year, we must beef up our defence against future pandemics significantly.
So a more reassuring speech on how are we going to live with Covid should contain some of the following points:
1. We will be completing the testing of all the foreign workers by a certain date. Phase II may start from that date.
2. We will improve the living conditions of the existing foreign workers and try to complete the projects that have already started albeit on a much delayed schedule. In the future, we will have to get use to a slower pace of construction activities which will slow down the economy but necessary for us to reduce the number of foreign workers.
3. We will link the future eligibility of construction companies to hire foreign workers to their investments in automation and productivity records.
4. We will concentrate on helping our citizens to cope with the disruptions in their lives and would not consider a general election until we have achieved zero community infection in Phase II for a continuous period of one month.
5. We urge Singaporeans to carry on practising the social etiquettes and personal habits acquired during the Covid period. This is also a way to groom ourselves. Like wearing face masks whenever we are not feeling well. Practise social distancing by queuing orderly at public places especially hawker centres and shopping malls etc. Learn to be patient, give time and space to others as those are the ingredients of compassion and kindness. Wash our hands, practice good personal hygiene and also help to keep public places clean eg., public toilets and to keep tables clean at hawker centres by returning trays.
6. We will increase government spending to create a cleaner and greener environment through redeveloping the old HDB estates into new community living oases where residents can provide support to one another better.
7. We will change the way healthcare is administered for our citizens. The new emphasis will be on preventive care, social medicine and community support.
8. We will spend more to speed up the digitalisation and to increase the number and quality of childcare centres to enable more Singaporeans to work at home. We hope family-friendly practices helping to achieve a good work-life balance will have implications on our new family formation and total fertility rate.
9. We will reorganise the education system with more online delivery of the best teaching methods and materials by the best teachers to enable students to study at their own time and place. Most teachers will become more of a life and character coach to ensure that students are suitably motivated.
10. Last but not least, we will set up a full-fledged national defence structure against future pandemics on the same scale as our defence against war and terrorism.
We think the above would be what we would say to soothe the anxieties of our countrymen.
The author of the above article writes in his own capacity with his views and opinion only to himself and are in no way a representation of the Party.