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Dr Tan on FICA

Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act

Hello everyone, I am Dr Tan Cheng Bock, Chairman of Progress Singapore Party. I would like to spend a moment to share with you our serious concerns about a bill that will be tabled for second reading and likely passed as law in Parliament soon. This is the Foreign Interference Counter measures Act or FICA.

Leong Mun Wai

Protecting our Singaporean core

Justice is in the heart of the People – I come to this House to respond to a challenge by Minister Shanmugam to debate on CECA. He has been puzzling me because it was in reference to his remarks made on a racial incident, which has nothing to do with CECA.

Jobs and Livelihoods Debate - Francis Yuen Statement

Jobs and Livelihoods Debate

In GE2020, PSP’s election manifesto had a component called “Jobs for Singaporeans”. It consists of job priority for Singaporeans, the introduction of a quota for Employment Pass and a lower quota for S Pass.

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